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Andromeda Zitate

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    Folge 4.12. (Die Spinnenfrau):
    Rox: "Ich stehe nicht auf Männer mit so vielen Muskeln!"
    Dylan: "Sind auch schon mal mehr gewesen."

    (Beka und Rhade sind mal wieder zusammen auf Mission und wie immer ist das ziemlich lustig.)
    Beka: "Nicht jeder von uns ist ein akademischer Hohlkopf ... oh, ich habe nicht sie gemeint ... kommen sie, lachen sie darüber."
    Rhade (minimale Gesichtsregung): "Ironie?"

    Quelle: John Sheridan aus der Episodenbewertung
    Gewinnerinnen der Wahl zur Miss SciFi-Forum 2007 - 2021


      Folge 5.19 Die Sekte des Generals
      Rommie und Doyle schupsen so'n 2 Meter Kerl, der sich über die Flüchtlinge beschwert, durch den Raum...

      Dylan:Avatare, man muß sie einfach lieben. Sonst noch jemand beschwerden? Nein? Gut!
      „When I hear of Schrödinger's cat, I reach for my gun.“ – Stephen Hawking


        Zitat von Tigre
        Folge 4.08. (Die Befreiung):
        Beka: "Das kann einem doch nicht schwer fallen, es sei denn, man ist schwerfällig."
        Rhade: "Jetzt reden sie wie Harper.... Ich hatte schon mit Handtaschendieben bessere Kämpfe.... Sie waren Handtaschendiebin? ..... Übrigens guter Stil Beka."
        Beka: "Tatsächlich? Ich glaube, ich habe mir die Hose zerrissen."

        Quelle: John Sheridan aus der Episodenbewertung

        Hier im Vergleich dazu Zitate aus der Folge im O-Ton:

        Rhade: Beka, you've got to finish with style.
        Beka: Style's not my style.
        That was too easy!
        Rhade: My kind of fight! It's more convenient when their spirits' already been broken.
        Beka: Don't you feel bad locking them back up in the stinkhole?
        Rhade: Sympathy for a derelict elite? It is pointless like indigestion
        Beka: Indigestion isn't pointless - a circle is pointless.
        Rhade: Now you sound like Harper!

        Rhade: Viscious Killers? Ha! I've seen better fights from ........ purse snatchers!
        Beka: Purse snatchers probably get better nutrition than these guys in their prison food. And incidentally, as a former purse snatcher, I resent that comment.
        Rhade: You were a purse snatcher?
        Beka: Well, actually, the term we preferred was active secondhand salvage removers.
        Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


          417, Abridging the Devil's Divide
          Written by Gordon Michael Woolvett

          Harper to Rhade: I think you have rocks in your head.
          Rhade: Why don't I head butt you so you can be certain?
          Harper: Oh, I'm certain alright. In fact, on heavy-gravity worlds, does your head get sucked to the ground first?
          Rhade: Insulting a Nietzschean is not healthy for a human's health - especially one so itsy-bitsy.
          Dylan: Remind me never to take you two on a side mission again.
          Rhade: Tiny, give me a position on this courier ship.
          Harper: Courier ship? I don't see one, Fathead.

          Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


            Folge 2.17. (Flucht aus dem Paradies):
            (Dylan fliegt mit der Maru auf ein schwarzes Loch zu.)
            Baker: „Warum müssen die herrlichsten Dinge auch immer die gefährlichsten sein!?“
            Tyr: „Das machen sie mit Absicht.“
            Rommie: „Von schwarzen Löchern bekomme ich Gänsehaut.“
            Dylan: „He he. Können Androiden eine Gänsehaut bekommen?“
            Rommie: „Klar, ich schon!“
            Gewinnerinnen der Wahl zur Miss SciFi-Forum 2007 - 2021


              Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath:

              Harper: Verwechsele die Folgen einer Mangelernährung nicht mit einem Mangel and Volljährigkeit!

              (so oder so ähnlich)
              Wash: "Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction."
              Zoe: "We live in a spaceship, dear."
              Wash: "So?"


                Episode 1.15: Forced Perspective

                Rhade: This is the mission?
                Dylan: This is the mission.
                Rhade: You've got to be kidding. Kidnap Chancellor Ferrin?
                Dylan: EXTRADITE him.
                Rhade: KIDNAP him. Then smuggle him to Tarn Vedra so he can stand trial.
                Dylan: Well, he certainly deserves it. His invasion of (Xangbristol Four) has destabilized this entire sector. Face it, he needs to be removed.
                Rhade: Mobius isn't even part of the Commonwealth. Neither is Xangbristol.
                Dylan: People are dying. We have to do something.
                Rhade: Fine. Then let's find Ferrin and put one through his head. Problem solved.
                Dylan: You see? This is why I am in charge.


                Rhade: You've gotta hand it to Ferrin. He's ruthless and efficient. He runs an orderly society.
                Dylan: Didn't you tell me an hour ago you wanted to kill him?
                Rhade: I said I admire him. I didn't say I like him better than me.
                Dylan: At least you're consistently Nietzschean in your views.
                Rhade: Thank you.
                Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


                  Die besten Zitate wurden hier schon genannt, aber mir feiel auch noch eins ein, das ich recht lustig fand.
                  in Episode 2.02, als das erste, was Rev Bem nach der Bruchlandung mit der Maru beim Erwachen sieht, Tyrs Gesicht in verschwommener Großaufnahme ist.
                  Tyr: "Magog, sind sie tot"?
                  Rev:"Tyr Anaszasi. Ich bin also doch nicht im Himmel."


                    Aus [407] "Bekas Rettung" / "The World Turns All Around Her"
                    (wie man aus einem wunderschönen englischen Titel mit Bedeutung einen saudoofen deutschen Titel wie "Bekas Rettung" machen kann wird mir immer ein Rätsel bleiben )

                    Auf jeden Fall stammt aus dieser Folge folgendes Zitat

                    Harper: My mind is slipping.
                    Rhade: You mean your sense of reality.
                    Harper: No, that's always slipping.
                    Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


                      Folge 418:

                      Rhade: Harper was supposed to adjust my stabilizers so it looked like I had an accident - not so I'd actually have one!
                      Dylan: In the future, I'll be more specific with him.
                      Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


                        Ein Spruch der mir gerade sinngemäß einfällt:

                        Dylan und Beka auf der Mar:

                        Beka: Why is it that we always take my Ship for Suicide Missions?
                        Dylan: It has Saftey Belts!
                        Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


                          Ein paar schöne Zitate, die ich im Netz gefunden habe:


                          "A Nietzschean never beats himself up. We're self-absorbed, not masochistic."
                          T. Rhade

                          G. Rhade: I'm glad you're getting married. You may not be properly engineered, but your genes are sound. You should reproduce.
                          Dylan: Thanks, I hope Sarah agrees with you.
                          I'm sure she does. As the great philosopher wrote: Man is for woman a means. The end is always a child.
                          I take it back. You're not a cynic, you're a romantic.

                          G. Rhade: What you want – what we ALL want – is to exert our will over others.

                          G. Rhade: You've gotta hand it to Ferrin. He's ruthless and efficient. He runs an orderly society.
                          Dylan: Didn't you tell me an hour ago you wanted to kill him?
                          Rhade: I said I admire him. I didn't say I like him better than me.
                          Dylan: At least you're consistently Nietzschean in your views.
                          Rhade: Thank you.

                          G. Rhade: Our people were meant to be living gods, warrior-poets who roamed the stars bringing civilization, not cowards and bullies who prey on the weak and kill each other for sport. I never imagined they'd prove themselves so inferior. I didn't betray our people – they betrayed themselves.

                          G. Rhade: I trust them to be Nietzscheans.

                          G. Rhade: If there's one thing a Nietzschean understands, it's loyalty.

                          Tyr: You should never trust any Nietzschean (Dylan stares at him) ......... except me.

                          Dylan: It has made them a little eccentric.
                          T. Rhade: That's not the word I would choose.
                          Dylan: Well, that, Rhade, is why Nietzschean diplomats are in short supply.
                          Our people were meant to be living gods, warrior-poets who roamed the stars bringing civilization, not cowards and bullies who prey on the weak and kill each other for sport. I never imagined they'd prove themselves so inferior. I didn't betray our people – they betrayed themselves. - Andromeda, Gaheris Rhade
                          I'm not deprived, I'm depraved. - Andromeda, Harper


                            Zitat aus Folge 5.02 The Weight Part 2

                            Beka: From now on I am going to work for myself!
                            Dylan: Fine! So nothing has changed!

                            Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."


                              Oh Mann, das ist fies. Jetzt muss ich bis morgen warten, bis ich deinen Beitrag lesen kann. Dabei bin ich ohnehin schon so ungeduldig...
                              John: Work- now - freak - later. Work - now - freak - later.
                              Stark: Yes. That's fair.
                              John: Good.
                              Stark: How much later?


                                Zitat von AnaDunari Beitrag anzeigen
                                Oh Mann, das ist fies. Jetzt muss ich bis morgen warten, bis ich deinen Beitrag lesen kann. Dabei bin ich ohnehin schon so ungeduldig...
                                Sorry, das hatte ich nicht bedacht. Aber du musst ja nur einen Tag warten
                                Rygel: "I've got an new Philosophy Crichton. What used to be important isn't and what should be important never will be."

