Gesucht: Allgemeine Infos über den Sci Fi Genre - SciFi-Forum


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Gesucht: Allgemeine Infos über den Sci Fi Genre

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  • Muli
    Wenn du wirklich ganz allgemeine Sachen haben willst, warum schaust du denn nicht mal in Lexika oder auf den entsprechenden Seiten vorbei....

    Das hier sagt z.B. msn-encarta....

    oder das hier

    Gruß Muli

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  • Mätzchen
    Re: Gesucht: Allgemeine Infos über den Sci Fi Genre

    Original geschrieben von Nerys
    Hallo ihr,
    ich suche Webseiten, auf denen allgeime Informationen über den Science Fiction Genre zu finden sind (Entstehung und sowas).
    "Das" Genre... es heisst "DAS" Genre und nicht "Den" Genre...


    (PS: Gut so, t'bel??)
    Zuletzt geändert von Mätzchen; 13.04.2002, 09:09.

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  • Nerys
    @ Phelia: Danke! Und gleich auf Englisch, spar ich mir das übersetzen, brauch ichs nur umformulieren.
    Fehler? Welche Fehler? Die, die ich auch mach?


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  • Phelia
    Trying your hand at the impossible:
    A Definition of Science Fiction

    No one has ever managed to come up with a truly satisfactory definition of science fiction.

    SF literature is the highly versatile genre, if it is a genre at all. Nevertheless most SF stories seem to have one thing in common. They all include what has been called a novum. A novum is something new which makes the difference between real world and the world of the novel. They introduce something that is new in the world of the story and does not have a referential analogue in the “real world” of the writer or the reader. This novum can be an unknown technological development such as a time travel or colonization of other planets, a social change such as sex or race reversals or simply an alternative world or history in which the story takes place.

    In an ideal case this novum would evoke a “sense of wonder” as a response by the reader. With the “sense of wonder” is meant the feeling of the science fiction for the uncertainty of the future and the fascination for our scientific tries to understand our universe.

    A novum should not be in the most cases at the center of the story. Even though they are often introduced very early. It serves only as the background to the events at the human developments of the story. There are time travel stories, first contact stories, alternative history stories and many more established categories of science fiction.

    (Therefore, one might say that the novum is the central element of science fiction, helps to recognize and classify it in formulas and creates a certain reader response)

    The novum is the only really necessary condition of science fiction literature. Science Fiction always play by a certain set of rules and very strictly keeps to them. Most often these are the rules of nature, the laws of physics or space travel. But they can also be rules of social conduct or development, the so called “Zones of Possibility and Impossibility” that are so important for science fiction.

    In general, most science fiction stories show the characters entering a new realm, a new space, leaving behind the old one and breaking the boundaries of their known world. Most science fiction novels take place in the future. Many utopian literature novels also can be SF.

    (Auszug aus einem Referat für den Englischunterricht. Rechtschreibfehler sind zu entschuldigen )

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  • Nerys
    hat ein Thema erstellt Gesucht: Allgemeine Infos über den Sci Fi Genre.

    Gesucht: Allgemeine Infos über den Sci Fi Genre

    Hallo ihr,

    ich suche Webseiten, auf denen allgeime Informationen über den Science Fiction Genre zu finden sind (Entstehung und sowas).

    Kennt ihr welche?
