Teleportation physics study - Irgendwas an dem Teil über Psychoteleportation dran? - SciFi-Forum


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Teleportation physics study - Irgendwas an dem Teil über Psychoteleportation dran?

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    Teleportation physics study - Irgendwas an dem Teil über Psychoteleportation dran?

    Ab Seite 55 kommt der wirklich interessante Teil, bin auf Wikipedia darauf gestolpert und frage mich deswegen, ob da irgendwas dran sein könnte, insbesondere da das US Militär diese Studie hat durchführen lassen etc.

    Hier ist von wiederholbaren Ergebnissen die Rede, was ziemlich interessant klingt, falls es denn stimmt.

    Ich halte es momentan allerdings ebensogut für möglich, dass das Ganze vollkommener Bullshit ist und keinerlei Relevanz hat.

    Das klingt alles irgendwie nach einem schlechten Film (S.55 ff):

    A well-known theoretical/experimental/operational program directed by H. E. Puthoff, R. Targ, E. May and I. Swann was conducted at SRI International and the NSA, and sponsored at various times by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) over more than two decades;
    Spontaneous deformation of the metal specimens was observed at the PK session conducted during the INSCOM retreat, causing a great deal of excitement among those present.
    Psychic Uri Geller (1975) is the original model for demonstrating PK metal bending. During a talk that he gave at the U.S. Capitol building, Uri caused a spoon to curve upward with no force applied, and then the spoon continued to bend after he put it back down and continued with his talk.
    Most claimed instances of human teleportation of the body from one place to another have been unwitnessed. There are also a small number of credible reports of individuals who reported being teleported to/from UFOs during a UFO close encounter, which were scientifically investigated (Vallee, 1988, 1990, 1997).
    The Soviet information also mentions the psychotronic/parapsychology R&D materials that Soviet military forces took from various Nazi research centers in and around Germany at the end of WWII. The entire spectrum of parapsychology phenomena was explored by the Soviets,
    The U.S. response to Soviet psychotronics R&D programs was the Remote Viewing program. In addition, the U.S. Army began the JEDI Project in 1983, which sought to increase human potential using teachable models of behavioral/physical excellent by unconventional means.

    Es gab also ein JEDI Projekt nach 1983. Aha.
    Also, es ist ja nicht ganz unbekannt, dass diverse staatliche Institutionen verschiedenster Laender allerhand verruecktes Zeug mit Steuergeldern anstellen, aber irgendwie kommt mir das ganze Ding hier schon sehr komisch vor.

    Und angenommen, es waere was dran, dann haetten die das Paper wohl kaum deklassifiziert.

