Ist die Sternenflotte technisch rückständig oder auch "Die große Amnesie der Autoren" - SciFi-Forum


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Ist die Sternenflotte technisch rückständig oder auch "Die große Amnesie der Autoren"

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    Konsultieren wir doch mal MA:

    Die Enterprise kann Warp 9,6 nur für begrenzte Zeit halten. Mindestens aber für 2 Stunden und 40 Minuten. (TNG: In den Händen der Borg) Für den Warpfaktor 9 gibt es einen empfohlenen Nutzungszeitraum. (TNG: Die Rettungsoperation) Bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten wird die Schwelle von Warp 9,6 ohne Antriebsmodifikationen kurzzeitig überschritten, z.B. Warp 9,8 während der Flucht vor Q (TNG: Der Mächtige) und Warp 9,7 während der Flucht vor den Borg (TNG: Zeitsprung mit Q)

    Im Referenzwerk Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Das technische Handbuch wird für die Galaxy-Klasse während des Dominion-Krieges (2370er) eine Maximalgeschwindigkeit von Warp 9,9 für maximal 12 Stunden angegeben.
    Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit eines Raumschiffs wird von mehreren Faktoren bestimmt. Dabei stellt der Warpkern lediglich die Energie zur Verfügung. Wichtiger für die erreichbare Höchstgeschwindigkeit sind der maximal erreichbare Hüllendruck, sowie Methoden, diesen zu minimieren. (TNG: Der schüchterne Reginald; VOY: Die Schwelle)
    Wie eventuell auch schon bekannt fliegen SF-Raumschiffe nicht nur von Liebe und Brot sondern verbrauchen ab gewissen Geschwindigkeiten massenhaft Antimaterie.

    Ich hab ja leider das beliebte TM nicht, aber ich glaube zu wissen das dort Energieverbrauche zu finden sind. In der ganzen Geschwindigkeits-Debatte darf man das mal net vergessen.
    You should have known the price of evil -And it hurts to know that you belong here - No one to call, everybody to fear
    Your tragic fate is looking so clear - It's your fuckin' nightmare

    Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed, As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
    >>Hades Kriegsschiff ist gelandet<<


      Zitat von ChrisArcher Beitrag anzeigen
      Die Enterprise kann zu der Zeit zwar Warp 9 erreichen, sollte dies aber nur im äußersten Notfall tun, wenn sonst wirklich gar nichts mehr hält.
      Die Voyager z.B. fliegt ja normalerweise auch nicht Tag und Nacht mit den vollen Warp 9,975.
      Die Galaxy-Klasse kann Warpfaktor 9,2 unbegrenzt lange fliegen... also zumindest bis der Treibstoff aufgebraucht ist. Ansonsten gibt es da kein Limit.. siehe "Die Technik der USS Enterprise".
      Die Originalversion hatte darüber hinaus eine technisch sichere Höchstgeschwindigkeit von Warpfaktor 9,6 für maximal 12 Stunden. Spätere Bauserien, die im Dominion-Krieg zum Einsatz kamen konnten Warpfaktor 9,9 für maximal 12 Stunden erreichen, so wie es im DS9-Technikhandbuch steht. Wenn man überlegt das da fast 20 Jahre dazwischen liegen, ist das auch plausibel.

      Die Nebula-Klasse hat eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von Warpfaktor 9,3 später von Warpfaktor 9,5... siehe TNG "Der Kampf um das klingonische Reich" und DS9 "Die rätselhafte Fenna".

      EDIT (autom. Beitragszusammenführung) :

      McWire schrieb nach 47 Minuten und 5 Sekunden:

      Zitat von Thomas W. Riker Beitrag anzeigen
      In TNG Klingonenbegegnung wurde die 1701-D mit einem Dringlichkeitscode zu genauen Koordinaten beordert.
      Picard befahl aber nur mit Warp 8 zu fliegen!

      Nachdem der Auftrag klar war, erhöhte er, aber nur auf Warp 8,8.
      Da gibt es aber haufenweise Beispiele wo die Enterprise Warp 9 fliegt, sogar in einigen banalen Situationen:

      TNG "Gestern, Heute, Morgen"
      O'BRIEN: Engage to where, sir?
      PICARD: Set a course for the Devron system, and engage at warp nine.
      (hier wohlgemerkt in der Zeitlinie um 2364)

      TNG "Die neue Intelligenz"
      LAFORGE: Captain, all of our systems are back online and we're moving again, at warp nine.
      PICARD: Let's get back to the Bridge.
      LAFORGE: Captain, we have a problem. Even at warp nine, the Cordannas system is over twelve hours from here.
      PICARD: Will the object in the cargo bay survive that long?
      LAFORGE: Yes, sir, but that's not the problem. The ship has diverted all of our systems to maximum propulsion, including life support. We have less than two hours of reserve oxygen.
      TNG "Boks Vergeltung"
      DATA: I am tracing the transporter beam Bok used to send the probe. The ship is holding position approximately three hundred billion kilometres from here.
      PICARD: Plot a course. Maximum warp.
      RIKER: Even at warp nine we wouldn't get there for another twenty minutes.
      TNG "Der Schachzug, Teil II"
      WORF: Finally. Set course for the Hyralan Sector and engage at warp nine.
      ENSIGN: Aye, sir.
      TNG "Der Schachzug, Teil I"
      DATA: But it is only a small science station. It has limited defensive capabilities. I do not believe it could withstand an attack from the mercenary ship. Mister Worf. Send a message to the Federation outpost on Calder Two. Advise them that if a ship matching the mercenary vessel approaches, they should attempt to delay it until our arrival. Ensign, take us out of orbit. Set course for the Calder system. Warp nine.
      ENSIGN: (male) Aye, sir.
      GIUSTI: Minor hit on the port deflector. No damage. They're running, sir. Their speed is warp eight point seven and holding. I think they're at their maximum.
      DATA: Take us to warp nine and pursue. Lock phasers on target.
      GIUSTI: Sir, we should be within phaser range in twenty three seconds. Switching to long-range scanners. Commander, the sensor image of that ship is extremely weak. It's fading. The ship doesn't register on the long-range sensors. I'm sorry, sir. We've lost them.
      DATA: Increase the sensor field bandwidth. Patch in the lateral sensor arrays.
      GIUSTI: It's no good, the signal's gone. It just disappeared.
      DATA: Plot a course and take us back to Barradas Three. Notify the away team to prepare for transport.
      GIUSTI: Aye, sir.
      TNG "Angriff der Borg, Teil I"
      RIKER: Red alert! All hands to battle stations. Lay in a course. Engage warp nine.
      (Picard enters)
      RIKER: We received a distress call from the New Berlin Colony. They're under attack.
      PICARD: What's our ETA?
      WORF: At warp nine, fifteen minutes, thirty seconds.
      PICARD: Contact the Crazy Horse and the Agamemnon. Have them standing by in case we need them.
      TNG "Das fehlende Fragment"
      PICARD: Well, it won't take them long to realise that Rahm Izad is the wrong planet. Captain, you're welcome to join us.
      NU'DAQ: I will go with you.
      PICARD: Ensign, set in a course for the Vilmoran System. Warp nine.
      ENSIGN: Aye, sir.
      PICARD: Engage. (later)
      TNG "Das Gesicht des Feindes"

      PICARD: Ensign, get us out of here. Warp nine.
      MCKNIGHT: Aye, sir.
      TNG "Hochzeit mit Hinternissen"
      PICARD: And that asteroid came from the Pelloris Field. If the rest of that field is rich in nitrium, it would make a natural feeding ground.
      LAFORGE: We should think about going back there. The parasites could possibly be lured back to the asteroids for a meal that's more appealing than we are.
      PICARD: Mister Data, how long to the field?
      DATA: At warp nine, five hours twenty minutes, sir.
      PICARD: Picard to the Bridge
      RIKER [OC]: Riker here, sir.
      PICARD: Set a course for the Pelloris asteroid field, warp nine.
      RIKER [OC]: Aye, sir.
      DATA: Captain, with our sensors unable to detect the parasites and given the speed with which they appear to be moving through the ship
      PICARD: We may not have five hours and twenty minutes. I'm aware of that. How can we slow them down?
      TNG "Das Recht auf Leben"
      WORF: Sir, the disturbance on Melona is becoming more intense.
      PICARD: Keep hailing them. All channels, Mister Worf.
      TROI: Captain, the fact that they're not responding doesn't necessarily mean there's anything wrong. The atmospheric disturbance could be jamming the signal.
      PICARD: I know, Counsellor.
      WORF: Still no response, sir.
      PICARD: Increase to warp nine. How long, Mister Worf?
      WORF: Six hours.
      TNG "Der Kampf um das klingonische Reich, Teil II"
      HOBSON: All Federation ships proceed at maximum warp to Gamma Eridon.
      DATA: Acknowledge the signal. Ensign, lay in the course and engage at warp nine point three.
      CRAIG: Aye, sir.
      (USS Sutherland der Nebula-Klasse)

      TNG "Odan, der Sonderbotschafter"
      PICARD: Mister Worf, see that the representatives are safely transported off the ship. Ensign, set a course to intercept with the Trill ship. Prepare to go to warp nine.
      DATA: Sir, it could take more than two hours to reach the vessel.
      CRUSHER: I must remove him. I gave my word.
      TNG "Der Rachefeldzug"
      MACET: The warship carried a crew of six hundred, the supply ship, fifty.
      PICARD: Mister Data estimated time to intercept with the Phoenix.
      DATA: At our present speed of warp four, sixteen hours, forty four minutes.
      PICARD: Ensign, increase to warp nine.
      WORF: The Phoenix still does not respond, sir.
      PICARD: Ensign, warp eight. Overtake him.
      DATA: Captain, the Phoenix has accelerated to warp nine. We will not be able to reach him before he intercepts the Cardassian ship.
      PICARD: Ensign, warp nine.
      ENSIGN: Aye, sir.
      TNG "Die Rettungsoperation"

      DATA: We will be entering the Turkana system in eleven minutes, Captain.
      PICARD: Engine status.
      DATA: Stable. But we have maintained warp factor nine for longer than is recommended, sir.
      WORF: Subspace message from the Arcos. Their transmitter is failing, sir. Audio only.
      PICARD: Let's hear it.
      TAN TSU [OC]: Enterprise, this is Tan Tsu, Arcos engineer. Estimate five minutes till warp drive containment breach. Make that three minutes. Thanks for trying, Enterprise.
      PICARD: Ensign, warp nine point three. How much time?
      DATA: Seven minutes and fifteen seconds will bring us within transporter range, Captain.
      PICARD: Nine point six.
      TNG "Das Experiment"
      CRUSHER: Estimated time to Tau Alpha C at warp nine point five.
      COMPUTER: One hundred twenty three days.
      CRUSHER: Lay in a new course for Tau Alpha C. And send a subspace message advising them of our arrival.
      COMPUTER: Acknowledged.
      (Hier gehen der Computer und Crusher davon aus, dass die Enterprise mehr als 100 Tage auf Warpfaktor 9 bleiben kann... ist ja auch logisch nach der TM-Aussage.)

      TNG "Die ungleichen Brüder"

      RIKER: Back so soon, Mister Data?
      (Data goes to his station and starts tapping in commands)
      LAFORGE [OC]: La Forge to Bridge.
      PICARD: Go ahead, Commander.
      LAFORGE [OC]: Captain, we've completed our dilithium vector calibrations. We are currently at warp four point five. You're clear to increase to warp seven.
      PICARD: Very good, Geordi. Let me know if you
      WORF: Captain, did you request a course correction?
      LAFORGE [OC]: I didn't say we could increase speed to warp nine point one, sir.
      WESLEY: New course set for heading three four one mark two two one.
      RIKER: Course set by whom?
      WESLEY: Not by me, Commander.
      PICARD: What's going on?
      RIKER: Data, who programmed the new coordinates?
      WESLEY: Warp nine point three, Commander.
      LAFORGE [OC]: I don't advise this, Captain.
      KOPF: Our velocity is holding steady at warp nine point three. Do you wish to override, Commander?
      LAFORGE: No, not yet. Computer, isolate cause of life support failure.
      COMPUTER: Atmosphere conditioning pumps on deck one are operating in negative mode.
      LAFORGE: How could that be? There are seven independent safety interlocks to prevent that.
      (Picard and Worf enter, then others)
      RIKER: We're still at the altered heading, Captain, holding at warp nine point three.
      WORF: Captain. Force fields have been established on all main Bridge turbolift doors and service crawlways.
      PICARD: Computer, locate Lieutenant Commander Data.

      WESLEY: He is on the Bridge, sir.
      PICARD: Mister La Forge, prepare for saucer separation.
      WESLEY: Sir, we're at Warp nine three.
      PICARD: I am aware of the risks, Ensign. When the umbilical splits, we should regain primary control, do you agree?
      LAFORGE: Yes, sir.
      PICARD: The saucer module should fall out of warp in two minutes. Be prepared to sweep back. Pull it in with a tractor beam.
      WORF: Aye, sir.
      PICARD: Initiate auto sequence.

      O'BRIEN: Tried to make it to a transporter room now.
      PICARD: Mister Worf, I want security teams along the main passageways and in every transporter room. And see if the computer would be good enough to give you the precise stun setting to disable Mister Data.
      WORF: Yes, sir.
      PICARD: Computer, estimate the time from this location to Starbase four one six at warp nine.
      COMPUTER: Inquiries regarding command functions are no longer accepted from your present location.
      (Hier wird klar, dass die Enterprise Warp 9,3 für längere Zeit fliegen kann... zumindest soweit das das Raumschiff den Planeten von Noonien Soong erreicht. Bei üblichen Entfernungen im Weltraum sollten das mehrere Stunden bis Tage sein.)

      TNG "In den Händen der Borg"
      HANSON [on monitor]: At nineteen hundred hours yesterday, the USS Lalo departed Zeta Alpha Two on a freight run to Sentinel Minor Four. At twenty two hundred hours and twelve minutes, a distress signal was received at Starbase one five seven. The Lalo reported contact with an alien vessel described as cube shaped. The distress signal ended abruptly, and she's not been heard from since.
      PICARD: Mister Data, how long would it take to get there at warp nine?
      DATA: One hour, seventeen minutes, sir.
      PICARD: Make it so.
      WORF: The tractor beam has been released.
      PICARD: Warp nine. Course, one five one mark three three zero. Engage.
      (La Forge enters the Bridge)
      PICARD: Prepare to take us out of here, Number One.
      RIKER: Fire up the engines. Half impulse until we clear the nebula, then punch it to warp nine.
      PICARD: Ready phasers. Load forward torpedo bays. Engage.
      WORF: The Borg ship is disengaging. Leaving at warp speed.
      RIKER: Maintain pursuit.
      WORF: Borg vessel has reached warp nine. Nine point four, nine point six.
      RIKER: Stay with them. Riker to O'Brien. Can you get a fix on the Captain?
      O'BRIEN [OC]: Negative, sir. There's some kind of interference. I can't lock in on his signal.
      RIKER: Senior officers, report to the Bridge.
      WORF: Sir, the coordinates they have set, they're on a direct course to sector zero zero one. The Terran system.
      RIKER: Earth.
      WORF: Commander, they are leading us into the heart of our own defences.
      LAFORGE: Yeah, well, so far they haven't had any reason to worry about our defences.
      WESLEY: Commander, if the Borg stay at warp nine point six, we'll be forced to discontinue pursuit and power down in less than three hours.
      DATA: Two hours, forty minutes and three seconds.
      RIKER: How soon before the deflector's ready?
      LAFORGE: We're close. Few hours maybe. I know, I'll get it done in two somehow, but Commander, I going to need serious power from the warp engines to make this weapon work. So far we're using everything we've got just to keep up with them.
      TNG "Die Damen Troi"
      LWAXANA: Oh, no, no, no, no, that won't be necessary. I'd just love to hear more of your poetry.
      PICARD: Perhaps another time. (finally manages to stand up. Please. Mister Crusher, set course for Betazed. Warp nine.
      (Hier fliegt das Raumschiff ohne Notfall Warpfaktor 9 Richtung Betazed.)

      TNG "Der schüchterne Reginal"
      LAFORGE [OC]: There's nothing I can do.
      WORF: Approaching warp nine sir.
      PICARD: Red alert.
      RIKER: Estimated time to structural failure.
      DATA: At this rate of acceleration, fifteen minutes forty seconds, sir.
      RIKER: Did you copy that, Geordi?
      LAFORGE [OC]: Aye, Commander.
      RIKER: Recommendations.
      WORF: Exceeding warp nine point four.
      PICARD: Begin evacuation of secondary hull. Prepare for emergency saucer separation.
      WORF: Standing by to release docking clamps.
      RIKER: Reroute systems to primary hull power sources.
      DATA: The plasma flow to the nacelles is uneven due to injector lock. An emergency saucer separation could rupture the warp field.
      (The ship shakes under the stress)
      DATA: Twelve minutes to structural failure, sir.
      (Hier ist das Problem die Beschleunigung und nicht die reine Geschwindigkeit.)

      TNG "Der Gott der Mintakaner"
      DATA: Captain, if we increase to warp seven we can be there in twenty three minutes.
      PICARD: Make it so. We're on our way.
      (They see a big explosion on the screen. One man escapes through the now-exposed observation window on to the planet surface proper)
      WORF: We've lost contact, sir.
      PICARD: Increase to warp nine.
      TNG "Die Überlebenden auf Rana IV"
      WESLEY: Warp eight point five. Warp nine. The warship continues to match our acceleration curve perfectly.
      PICARD: Number One, I have the distinct impression that we're being toyed with. Take us back to Rana Four.
      RIKER: Back?
      PICARD: We have unfinished business there. I need to have a talk with those two people. You have the Bridge.
      RIKER: Reduce speed. Bring us around on a return course. This one's getting away.

      TNG "Klingonenbegnungen"
      DATA: Apparently there were no starships available on Starbase One Five Three. The envoy is aboard a class eight probe.
      RIKER: A class eight probe is just over two metres long.
      PICARD: Yes, that's true, Number One. But if the transmitters and the sensors were removed and life-support installed, there would be just enough room for one person.
      RIKER: And it is designed to travel at warp nine.
      DATA: By sending the probe to meet us rather than diverting the Enterprise, they are saving us six point one hours.
      PICARD: Obviously Starfleet feels that time is of the essence.
      RIKER: But still, to seal someone inside a class eight Probe and launch it off. It's a hell of a way to transport a Federation dignitary.
      CLANCEY: (an elegant brunette with cut glass vowels) Coming to three one mark one one three. i
      DATA: We are on a course precisely parallel to the probe, sir.
      PICARD: Increase speed to warp eight point nine.
      CLANCEY: Eight point nine, aye.
      PICARD: Full sensors aft.
      WORF: Scanning.
      RIKER: Data, if we project our course beyond the rendezvous coordinates, what lies ahead?
      DATA: As far as I can determine, sir, very little. There are four colonies in the Boradis system, as well as nine other outposts scattered throughout the sector.
      WORF: I have it, sir. Bearing zero five mark two three one. Velocity, warp nine.
      CLANCEY: I see it.
      PICARD: Adjust speed to intercept.
      WORF: Probe is coming up to starboard. Range, eighty two hundred. Tractor beam ready.
      PICARD: Mister La Forge?
      (Die Enterprise fliegt hier übrigens auch Warpfaktor 9, sie lässt sich nur vorher von der Sonde einholen, warum mit Warpfaktor 8,9 geflogen wird.)

      TNG "Das Herz eines Captains"

      DATA: Positive indication of armed photon torpedoes, Commander.
      RIKER: Geordi did it.
      WORF: Starbase requests we proceed to base at warp nine
      PULASKI: We've got to go.

      RIKER: Allow us transport Lieutenant La Forge immediately.
      DATA: Shields are down.
      RIKER: Transporter room, beam one to the Bridge.
      CHIEF [OC]: Aye, sir.
      (Geordi arrives)
      RIKER: Set heading for Starbase Five One Five, warp nine.
      LAFORGE: Blowing that hydrogen exhaust through the Bussard collectors sure put on a nice light show.
      RIKER: Harmless, but effective. Were you able disable the photons?
      LAFORGE: Just in time. That's why you're still here.
      TNG "Zeitsprung mit Q"

      LAFORGE [OC]: Eight point eight. Warp nine.
      RIKER: Arm the photon torpedoes. See if we can slow them down.
      WORF: Torpedoes armed.
      PICARD: Fire.
      (Two nice big fireballs on the cube)
      WORF: They had no effect.
      LAFORGE [OC]: Bridge, this is Engineering. We are now at warp nine point six five.
      WORF: The Borg are still gaining.
      Q: They will follow this ship until you exhaust your fuel. They will wear down your defences. Then you will be theirs. Admit it, Picard. You're out of your league. You should have stayed where you belonged.

      Captain's log supplemental. We are unable to maintain the gap between the Enterprise and the Borg ship.
      TNG "Die Zukunft schweigt"
      PICARD: Try and take us out of here. Maximum warp.
      LAFORGE: Aye, sir. I've set the velocity at warp nine.
      PICARD: Engage.
      TNG "Die Sorge der Aldeaner"

      RADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, we want you to understand the nature of your choice. A small demonstration of our power.
      (Something whizzes around the planet and knocks the Enterprise spinning out of orbit, into deep space) PICARD: What was that?
      DATA: I believe it was a repulsor beam.
      PICARD: Position report.
      LAFORGE: This is unbelievable, sir. According to my calculations, we're three days from Aldea. At warp nine.
      RIKER: And they call that a small demonstration?
      PICARD: Geordi, get us back to Aldea. Warp nine.
      LAFORGE: Aye, sir.
      RADUE [on viewscreen]: Captain, if you don't accept our terms, the Enterprise will be pushed so far away that by the time you return, your children will be grandparents.
      (Hier kann die Enterprise mindestens 3 Tage am Stück mit Warp 9 fliegen.)

      TNG "Rikers Versuchung"
      PICARD: Additional information. The number of colonists at the site is five hundred and four. Are you prepared for that many, Doctor?
      CRUSHER [OC]: We believe so, sir.
      LAFORGE: Captain, we are now at warp nine point one, sir.
      DATA: Which will bring us to the colony in three point two hours, sir.
      (In der ersten Staffel konnte die Enterprise im Notfall auch mal Warp 9,1 fliegen... später nur noch Warp 9 *gg*)

      TNG "Der Mächtige"
      WORF: Engine room ready, sir.
      TROI: The board shows green, Captain. All go.
      PICARD: Stand by. Engage.
      (They swoop along and past the barrier, which then turns into a ball and chases them)
      WORF: Velocity warp nine point two.
      DATA: Heading three five one mark eleven, sir.
      PICARD: Steady on that.
      TASHA: The hostile is now giving chase, sir. Accelerating fast.
      WORF: We're now at warp nine point three, sir, which takes us past the red line, sir.
      PICARD: Continue accelerating. Counsellor, at this point I'm open to guesses about what we've just met.
      TROI: It it felt like something beyond what we'd consider a life form.
      PICARD: Beyond?
      TROI: Very, very advanced, sir, or certainly very, very different.
      WORF: We're at nine point four, sir.
      TASHA: Hostile is now beginning to overtake us, sir.
      PICARD: Are you sure?
      DATA: Hostile's velocity is already warp nine point six, sir. Shall I put them on the main viewer?
      PICARD: Reverse angle.
      DATA: Magnifying viewer image.
      TASHA: Hostile's velocity is nine point seven, sir.
      PICARD: Worf, inform the engine room we need more.
      DATA: Engine room attempting to comply, sir, but they caution us
      PICARD: Go to yellow alert. Arm aft photon torpedoes. Place them on ready status.
      TASHA: Torpedoes to ready, sir.
      TASHA: Hostile now at warp nine point eight, sir.
      WORF: Our velocity is only nine point five, sir.
      DATA: Projection, sir. We may be able to match hostile's nine point eight, sir. But at extreme risk.
      TASHA: Now reading the hostile at warp nine point nine, sir.
      PICARD: Now hear this. Print-out message, urgent, all stations on all decks. Prepare for emergency saucer sever. You will command the saucer section, Lieutenant.
      WORF: I am a Klingon, sir. For me to seek escape when my Captain goes into battle.
      PICARD: You are a Starfleet officer, Lieutenant.
      WORF: Aye, sir.
      PICARD: Make the mark, Data. Note in ship's log that at this startime, I'm transferring command to the battle bridge. (Picard, Data, Yar and Troi leave the Bridge to unnamed crew)
      (Unter hohem Risko kann die Enterprise laut Pilotfolge sogar Warpfaktor 9,8 erreichen, eine Geschwindigkeit die später nie mehr erwähnt wurde. Danach haben sich die Autoren ans TM gehalten und Warp 9,6 als reguläre Höchstgeschwindigkeit etabliert. Warp 9 war dann die Standarddauergeschwindigkeit für den Notfall. Lustigerweise wurden die 9,2 als Dauergeschwindigkeit nie explizit erwähnt. Hier in der Pilotfolge heißt es, dass die Enterprise bei Warp 9,3 die "rote Linie" überschreitet, was man so interpretieren kann, dass aber hier ein Zeitlimit für die Warpfaktoren gilt. Bis Warp 9,3 eben nicht.)
      Zuletzt geändert von McWire; 21.09.2011, 20:27. Grund: Antwort auf eigenen Beitrag innerhalb von 24 Stunden!
      Mein Profil bei Memory Alpha

      Even logic must give way to physics. / Sogar die Logik muss sich der Physik beugen. -- Captain Spock, 2293


        @ McWire
        Vielen Dank für die beeindruckende Fleißarbeit!
        Dass so oft mindestens Warp 9 befohlen wurde überrascht mich sehr.
        Slawa Ukrajini!


          Zitat von Hades Beitrag anzeigen
          Allein schon der energieverbrauch, Mc Wire wird bestimmt noch was zusammenstellen können in Sachen Energieverbrauch bei Warp 8 und Warp 9 buw 9,975.

          Danke das du mich auf die Idee gebracht hast, da noch mal ein Diagramm zu erstellen... wollte ich viel früher schon mal machen.
          Mein Profil bei Memory Alpha

          Even logic must give way to physics. / Sogar die Logik muss sich der Physik beugen. -- Captain Spock, 2293

