Wer seid ihr wirklich? Kirk? Sisko? Kira? Wer? - SciFi-Forum


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Wer seid ihr wirklich? Kirk? Sisko? Kira? Wer?

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    Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Benjamin Sisko.

    People like you are typically global thinkers with great passion for your unique vision. You are highly creative, original, and independent. Your idea of torture is to be stuck in a rut, and you get impatient with people who doubt your insights or want to stick to traditional methods for tradition's sake. Your best friends share their feelings and opinions easily without forcing them down your throat. You are greatly offended when others show disrespect for your beliefs and values. You dislike disorder in your personal space.

    You are inspired, not impulsive. You're even cautious, deliberate and eager to make plans. You're polite and somewhat reserved, especially as others have made you feel awkward for your beliefs in the past. You're quite organized and, when properly motivated, highly productive.

    Your primary goal in life is to follow through on your ideas and be faithful to your vision. Your reward is to have others trust your inspiration and to watch your dreams come true.

    Good careers for your type include special education teacher, holistic health practitioner, director of religious education, art director, writer, editor, and religious educator.

    Ich muss sagen Das was ich bin find ich echt gut. Das passt sogar(Außer Religion, ich bin nämlich Atheist).
    Aber Sisko...
    Erfahrung ist ein guter Lehrmeister - meist jedoch kein angenehmer.


      Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Benjamin Sisko.

      Tja, das hätt ich nunja nicht gedacht, aber wenn ich so drüber nachdenke is schon was dranne...ich flipp nur nich so oft aus wie er und dieses religiöse besitze ich glaub ich auch nicht.
      "Also wahrscheinlich werde ich heute abend defnitiv nicht zurückschreiben können..."
      "Da werd' ich vielleicht wahrscheinlich ganz sicher möglicherweise definitiv mit klarkommen."

      Member der NO-Connection!!


        Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Benjamin Sisko.

        Same ...


          Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ENTJ (Extravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Q and Quark.

          Ich verkneif mir die lange Charakterisierung, nur das, was ihr hier im Forum über mich wissen solltet

          You can't stand wasting time with people who won't get to the point, but you respond instantly to creative thinking and logical explanations.


            Q + Quark, gute Mischung.

            Also ein allmächtiger profitgeiler Barbesitzer.

            Was soll man davon jetzt halten?


              Am Besten du nimmst dich in Acht vor mir, ich bin offensichtlich egozentrisch, größenwahnsinnig und geldgierig *weglach*


                Jo das scheint doch zu funktionieren *ggg*

                Star Trek Personality Test -- Results
                Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISTJ (Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Spock and Miles O'Brien.

                Ich hatte irgendwie nichts anderes erwartet

                Zugriff verweigert - Treffen der Generationen 2012
                SFF: Ankündigungen | Regeln | Support | Historie


                  Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ENTJ (Extravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Q and Quark.



                    Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Jean-Luc Picard and Seven of Nine.

                    People like you are generally autonomous, aloof, and intellectual. You sometimes give the impression you have no need of others, but you're intensely curious and driven to learn. You're cautious with others socially and respond best to people who don't push you to be friendly or affectionate. You appreciate when others follow your lead and accept your criticism in the helpful spirit in which it is intended. You're calm by nature and feel off-balance when confronted by highly emotional people.

                    You're highly organized and expect the same of others. You analyze automatically and enjoy seeing patterns and trends. When your mind is made up, that's it, which means that while you're definitive and strong, you can be stubborn and arrogant.

                    You respond best to other people's needs when they tell you about them clearly. You value honesty greatly. You prize people who listen to you and respect your ideals. You are somewhat contemptuous of those who don't pay attention to what you say.

                    You're a conservative dresser, but you have a unique and personal style.

                    Your primary goal in life is achieving independence and being able to live according to your own standards. Your reward is continual expansion of your competence and knowledge.

                    Good careers for your type include being a starship captain, intellectual property attorney, news analyst, design engineer, software developer, inventor, Webmaster, architect, and ex-Borg.
                    Die Wahrheit ist das Licht, das uns zum Pfad der Weisheit führt...


                      Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ESFP (Extrovert, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris.

                      People like you are warm and social, impulsive, and unpredictable. You have a great zeal for life and are intensely aware of the world around you. You love to play and respond quickly to people who will play with you. You respond well to appeals to common sense and poorly to being judged. Attempts to trap you will make you ready to flee or fight.

                      You're highly curious and talkative, but also gentle, sensitive and caring. You close down when people fail to provide you with input and you're frustrated with silences. You're most comfortable taking action, particularly in order to help or enjoy the company of others.

                      Your primary goal in life is freedom to be spontaneous and have fun. Your reward is to enjoy the company of others and know that they enjoy and appreciate you.

                      Good careers for your type include primary education teacher, starship captain, public relations specialist, tour operator, actor, marine biologist, and starship pilot.

                      Wer waren doch gleich meine beiden Lieblingscharakteren?? Ach ja, Janeway und Paris
                      "There must be some way out of here
                      Said the joker to the thief
                      There's too much confusion
                      I can't get no relief" - All along the watchtower


                        Also ich bin:

                        Passt irgendwie zu mir....
                        "... um Chaos in die Ordnung zu bringen!"

                        No - Webmaster of StarTrekArchiv.com
                        -> die Seite ist echt sehenswert!!!


                          ...also ich muß sagen, mittlerweile ist schon eine gute Crew zusammengekommen, mit vielen guten Persönlichkeiten. Da würde jede Flotte blaß vor Neid werden :

                          Crew der S-T-F bis jetzt :

                          Kommando Offiziere der S-T-F:

                          Captain "Tucker" Julian Kirk
                          Captain "Lin" Jean-Luc of Nine
                          Captain "cmE" Ben Sisko
                          Captain "notsch" Jamine Sio
                          Captain "DocBrown" Enja Sisk
                          Captain "JLP" Jamie Kirk-Bashir
                          Commander "Zefram" William Riker-Torres

                          Techniker der S-T-F:

                          Lt.-Commader "O´Brien" Willbel Torres
                          Lt.-Commander "Harry" Geordi Scott-Yar

                          Wissenschaftler der S-T-F:

                          Commander "Borg" Spocky O´Brien
                          Commander "Tally" Miles Sopock

                          Medizinisches Personal der S-T-F:

                          Doc "Spock" Leoni McCoy
                          Doc "Pille" Mac Leonard
                          Doc "Ductos" Holo Bareil

                          Sicherheitsoffiziere der S-T-F:

                          Sicherheitschef "Spocky" Odo Crusher

                          Piloten der S-T-F:

                          Lt. "QueenArachnia" Kate Jany-Paris

                          Service Personal der S-T-F:

                          Kes "Metathron" Garak

                          Auf speziellen Wünsch:

                          Allmächtige Aliens der S-T-F:

                          Quiu "Andromeda"
                          Ark "Master" Q
                          Zuletzt geändert von Spock; 14.10.2002, 17:34.
                          Kirk: Organia's description, Mister Spock.
                          Spock: Inhabited by humanoids, a very peaceful, friendly people, living on a
                          primitive level. Little of instrinsic value, approximately Class D-Minus on
                          the Richter Scale of Cultures.


                            Original geschrieben von Spock
                            Service Personal der S-T-F:

                            Kes "Metathron" Garak
                            Quiu "Andromeda" Quark
                            Ark "Master" Q
                            Service??? ICH??? Das will ich mir verbitten, ich bin schließlich Q!!!


                              Original geschrieben von Andromeda

                              Service??? ICH??? Das will ich mir verbitten, ich bin schließlich Q!!!

                              Bist du dir sicher? Du bist eine Persönlichkeitsmischung aus Q und Quark. Selbst wenn du nur die Persönlichkeit von Q hättest, wärst du nicht Q.....*g*...Ich kann natürlich die Kategorie *Aliens der S-T-F* einfügen....Soll ich?
                              Kirk: Organia's description, Mister Spock.
                              Spock: Inhabited by humanoids, a very peaceful, friendly people, living on a
                              primitive level. Little of instrinsic value, approximately Class D-Minus on
                              the Richter Scale of Cultures.


                                Original geschrieben von Spock

                                Bist du dir sicher? Du bist eine Persönlichkeitsmischung aus Q und Quark. Selbst wenn du nur die Persönlichkeit von Q hättest, wärst du nicht Q.....*g*...Ich kann natürlich die Kategorie *Aliens der S-T-F* einfügen....Soll ich?
                                Quark bezieht sich offensichtlich nur auf meinen ausgeprägten Materialismus $$-), mit Service hab ich nix am Hut

                                Jepp, damit kann ich schon sehr viel besser leben. Wie wärs mit *allmächtige Aliens des S-T-F*?

