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Star Trek Bridge Commander

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    Och nö das wär nicht toll, weil
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      Also, ich weiss net..... ich hab für Bridge Comander schon zeit !!!

      Ich freue mich schon die Cardies und Romulaner mit der U.S.S. Farrell Ncc - 1963 einzuheizen !!!
      Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
      Webmaster of STBC.DE
      PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
      Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear


        Schlechte Nachrichten

        hier ist etwas was heute von einem Totally Games Mitarbeiter auf die Frage zum Status von BC !!

        Actually TG has yet to submit an Alpha candidate but hte team is ferverishly working on it now. teh vast majority of the team skipped this years Game Developers Conference to work full steam on Alpha.

        Alpha means feature complete and all content is near final (except voice acting in our case which is now set for recording sometime in April).

        Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
        Webmaster of STBC.DE
        PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
        Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear


          Muss nix heißen - bei Black & White war es genauso(haben sogar deshlab an Heilig Abend gearbeitet) und es ist trotzdem alles glatt gegangen!
          Christianity: The belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
          Makes perfect sense.



            Ich hoff doch , dass die es mit BC schnell machen !!
            Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
            Webmaster of STBC.DE
            PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
            Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear


              Ja hoffentlich

              Ich warte nämlich schon auf das Spiel.- Schon vom ersten Tag an hab ich gedacht: Das Spiel muss ich haben. Oder noch besser. Ich warte eigentlich schon seit Jahren auf ein Spiel wie dieses. Wirklich mal richtig Captain zu spielen; davon hab ich schon immer geträumt. "Freu, Euphorie"

              Von den screenshots bin ich sehr begeisdert. Ich kann es eigentlich gar nicht mehr abwarten, bis BC endlich zu haben ist.



                Also, da Bridge Comamander noch nicht mal im Alpha status ist.... wird die Graphik 100 % noch besser !!!
                Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                Webmaster of STBC.DE
                PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear



                  Na toll... ich hab gerade den letzten Postig gescrieben und da kommen wieder 2 neue Screenshots !!!

                  Das erste !!!
                  die Ingame Sequenzen werden in der Spiele-grafik projeziert !!

                  Der zwiete !!
                  Im spiel darf man jderzeit in die Aussenansicht wechseln !!!
                  Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                  Webmaster of STBC.DE
                  PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                  Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear



                    Auf die Frage, wann es eine Demo, geben wird... Kamm diese Antwort

                    The demo will come out when it is finished

                    Aber meiner Meinung nach, wird die Demo 4 - 3 wochen, von der Veröffentlichung erscheinen !!!
                    Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                    Webmaster of STBC.DE
                    PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                    Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear


                      Geforce 3

                      Ich hab mal bei Totally Games bisschen nachgehackt, und bekamm solche antworten. Zu den neuen funktionen der Geforce 3 in BC.

                      Leider ist es so, dass BC nicht auf DX8.0 abgestimmt wird !!!
                      Aber nach meinung von David Latwin, braucht BC diese DX8.0 erweiterungen nicht, da es auch mit DX7.0 die selben effekte bitten wird !!

                      Actually, Hardware T&L doesn't have anything to do with bumpmapping or shading. T&L stands for Transformation and Lighting, which means instead of doing a lot of 3D math on the main CPU for translating models to the right orientation for your view and using the CPU to calculate light values based on model and light positions, you feed the position info to the card and let it do the work. Cool stuff that's been around for awhile (the Permedia2 had it...) but wasn't used before Dx7 by Microsoft (OpenGL has pretty much always had it).
                      We're using Dx7, so we'll use a card's T&L if it has it.
                      Bumpmapping and special shaders are separate things added in Dx8 (again, OpenGL has had them for awhile ) that we aren't taking special advantage of.
                      From the questions, it seems some people have the impression that a game must use certain new features of a card to be "compatible" with it or its technology. This isn't the case, as the new cards aren't incompatible with the old ones. They game will run faster, be able to support more polys and larger textures sizes. We just aren't using these new hardware features to do our effects, as that would involve moving to Dx8, which would involve upgrading to the newer version of NetImmerse, which would involve delaying getting the game to you guys
                      The potential of vertex and pixel shaders is really cool, and it certainly would make many of the effects we do easier to implement, but aren't necessarily required. We can do glow maps, specular/environment mapping and other things using existing card features. For things like bumpmapping, that can generally be done on most cards today, it's just easier with pixel shaders.
                      There are cool things we could do that we aren't doing now with pixel shaders, but it would be a large time cost for a small set of features, that would only be seen by those with the top end cards. We're going to look really good on these top end cards even not using those features.

                      Hope this clears up some confusion,

                      Dave Litwin
                      Project Lead, Bridge Commander
                      und noch ein mal

                      Where are we to get the budget to pay for the work involved in upgrading our engine to the version that makes these features easily available?

                      If we do, we'll delay the product, and no doubt because of that delay a new card will come out by then and we'll have people clammoring for us to support it. And so the cycle continues.

                      At some point we have to focus on getting the game done. New graphics hardware comes out every 6 months, and a good game tends to take from 1.5 to 2.5 years to create. A game that constantly chases hardware specs rarely gets finished (there are many examples of this).

                      When we started, Dx7 was new, T&L was really cool and fast, and we upgraded our game to make use of it. Had we started 6 months later, perhaps we'd be in a position to move to Dx8, but then you'd get the game 6 months later. And if you think we can just add on an extra 6 months for this you haven't seem game budgets lately

                      I didn't mean for this to be a rant, but seriously, if you just think it through it is pretty obvious: If you want the game, at some point we'll have to stop working on it.

                      So to directly address the question:
                      "I want GeForce 3 support !!!!"

                      So do I. But you'd have to convince all the fans to wait, and write a pretty big check to cover the work involved

                      Dave Litwin
                      Project Lead, Bridge Commander
                      Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                      Webmaster of STBC.DE
                      PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                      Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear



                        Due to complications with the game engine and financial difficulties, Totally Games has cancelled the eagerly anticipated Star Trek Bridge Commander. The game, which has been in development for a while, was scheduled to be released this fall.

                        "The economics just don't add up," said Creative Director
                        Lawrence Holland. "The game is costing more to develop then we had previously forcast. We don't believe sales can cover the cost of the production of the game."

                        There are several other games in development, such as Armada II and Dominion Wars. The financial troubles are only with Totally Games, and Mad Doc Software and Simon and Schuster will continue production of their respective games.

                        "The main cost problems of Armada II were with the engine," said David Litwin , lead programmer at Totally Games. "We had to design the new engine from scratch, so we don't have the funds to continue production of the game."

                        New details will be reported as the are released.

                        If you actually finished reading this, you must have realized that this is an april fools joke.

                        Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                        Webmaster of STBC.DE
                        PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                        Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear


                          Re: NEWS UPDATE! BRIDGE COMMANDER CANCELLED!

                          Das war....nicht Komisch

                          Sag mal Dax woher bekommst du all die Infos? Alles von einer Homepage oder schreibst du jeden Tag eine Mail an die Macher
                          Even on a black and empty street ... if we go together ... we might one day find something ... like the moon that floats in the darkness [eva 3-18]

                          Homepage: |



                            Nee, nee... ich schreibe keine E-Mails an Totally Games. naja. fast nicht !!!

                            Die haben so einen schönen eignen Forum, woman fragen stellen darf.
                            Man darf aber nicht immer erwarten dass die auch drauf Antworten, solange das spiel nicht Fertig ist.

                            Aber so paar verbesserungen zum spiel darf man es schon !!

                            Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                            Webmaster of STBC.DE
                            PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                            Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear



                              Also, zu so einem Screenshot kann ich nur einz sagen WHOW !!!

                              Main-Admin of St-Gamestation
                              Webmaster of STBC.DE
                              PROJECT LEAD, Star Trek: Operation Sacrifice
                              Whenever, Wherever ... We're meant to be together ... I'll be there and you'll be near ... And that's the deal my dear



                                wo gibts denn immer die neuesten und aktuellsten screenshots zu finden?
                                ausser in dem threat hier natürlich..
                                "Ich habe einen ganz einfachen Geschmack: Ich bin immer mit dem Besten zufrieden." - Oscar Wilde

